Anglų kalbos rašinio praktikumas


2013-ųjų metų sausio 15 d. Kelmės J. Graičiūno gimnazijoje vyko anglų kalbos rašinio rašymo praktikumas, skirtas rajono abiturientams. Praktikumo tikslas – ugdyti rašymo įgūdžius besirengiant  anglų kalbos valstybiniam brandos egzaminui. Praktikumo užduotis buvo parašyti  250-350 žodžių apimties samprotaujamąjį rašinį anglų kalba, pasirinkus vieną iš pateiktų temų: „A Sound Mind in a Sound Body“ (Sveika siela sveikame kūne); „What is your opinion about the advantages and disadvantages of starting working right after leaving school?“ (Privalumai ir trūkumai pradedant dirbti iškart baigus mokyklą); „What can we do to reduce global litter?“ (Kaip sumažinti pasaulio užterštumą?); „How does the  mass media affect people’s lives?” (Kaip žiniasklaida įtakoja žmonių gyvenimus?); “Choose a festival and write your description” (Nacionalinės šventės aprašymas).

Praktikume savo jėgas išbandė 12 rajono dvyliktokų. Jų darbai buvo vertinami pagal 2012 m. anglų kalbos valstybinio brandos egzamino bendrus rašymo užduočių vertinimo nuostatus.

Vertintojai išrinko tris geriausius, turiningiausius, taisyklingiausius darbus. Šių darbų autoriai yra Vytautas Vyšniauskas (J. Graičiūno gimnazijos IVa klasės mokinys), Aurimas Grincevičius (J. Graičiūno gimnazijos IVc klasės mokinys), Rita Lengvensaitė (Tytuvėnų gimnazijos IV klasės mokinė). Kviečiame perskaityti jų kūrybą, kuri publikuojama žemiau.

Anglų kalbos rašinio rašymo praktikumą organizavo  Kelmės Jono Graičiūno gimnazija, Kelmės rajono savivaldybės švietimo, kultūros ir sporto skyrius.


How does the mass media affect people’s lives?

Since the ancient times many people were narrow-minded. They could not know anything about other nations or territories they had never seen. The only way to get news was talking to each other and telling stories, which often were just rumours. Some people believed, while other did not. And this was the way how the myths were created. Today we have the mass media, which makes much easier to get the news. But is there a big difference since the ancient times, event if we are able to know everything in the world? How does that change us everyday?

First of all, we have to acknowledge that mass media rules the world. Through the television or computer screen it is forming our views to life, to everything. For instance, we are going to vote in a parliament election. Who gets the majority of votes? Those, whose faces and names have been seen on TV! So, we can say, that media selects, who will govern the country. Businessmen are dictating their rules for people, who become dependable.

Secondly, people are forced to be as intelligent, as TV allows. Fashion, activities, view, etc. – all these things are dictated by the mass media. The half of the country is watching the show, where narrow-minded people are arguing with each other for nothing and they become the stars. That is happening because the media’s commercials recommend, what to watch, what to eat, drink, buy. This is the reason, why we are interested into commercial entertainment, but we do not want to waste our “expensive” time for the real culture. People are becoming more stupid because of the media. Everyone knows that it is easier to control the masses, when they do not think.

On the other hand, people can be wise and do not believe in everything they hear and see. In this case, media gives a real opportunity to become a matured and intelligent person. What is more, being wisely interested in the news can help you to communicate and even find a job!

To conclude, I can say that the mass media is like a gun – it does not work, if someone does not use it. You can kill or you can save someone’s life. I think that the mass media controls those, who do not have strong beliefs and critical thinking. If people were more thoughtful, the same minute the mass media would become powerless. For now things are different. The mass media can ruin person’s life or make him a millionaire, a star.


Vytautas Vyšniauskas,
Kelmės Jono Graičiūno gimnazijos IVa klasės mokinys


 Advantages and disadvantages of starting working after leaving school

We should acknowledge from the start that money is an essential part of our lives. There is no exception for young people. It is getting more and more popular that students are starting working right after leaving school. On that proposition there are some advantages and disadvantages.

There is a positive side of working right after finishing school. To start with, lots of people gain responsibility, self-control and they are on their path of becoming a mature person. For example, people who start working at an early age, usually start families much faster than others. What is more, earning for a living is a brilliant idea because all the fortune you get comes in handy. For instance, often young people, especially from the developed countries, help their parents to get by. Finally, you gain working experience at an early stage of your life which helps in the future. Many start from being just a waiter but a couple of years later they end up being a manager or even a higher position.

However, there is a negative side of working right after finishing school. Firstly, people who work experience no student life. Just to picture, they miss out on an enormous part of laughter, parties, fun and etc. Secondly, there is not any big perspective for those who work right after school in the near future. For example, in these days it is difficult to find a well-paid working place without any degree, so often people choose to learn and work at the same time. Although people often choose to learn at home, it is not going to be as effective as studying in the universities. Therefore, a lot of people prefer studying in universities because of the information quality.

In conclusion, even though the majority of youth choose work over studies, the world’s future is quite bright. As long as there are people on the both sides and they are staying active, there is nothing to worry about.


Aurimas Grincevičius,
Kelmės Jono Graičiūno gimnazijos IVc klasės mokinys


 A Sound Mind in a Sound Body

A lot of people care about their outer appearance and specifically about having a healthy body but some would just say that your intellectual capacity and intelligence is what you should rely on. But actually, person’s build has a much bigger impact on his inner state, as it can be proven from various aspects – medically, socially and psychologically.

First of all, simply exercising, having a healthy diet and by that taking care of your physical condition would result in having fewer problems in life. Having a good immunity will help in building a stress-free life. People, that are avoiding doing sports, may say that they simply have no time for that or just not enough will. But that is something that you have to build up slowly, day by day. Some may choose simple exercising, some could start yoga or doing specific sports. When you are healthier, consequently you will have more time – less sleepiness and the pace of studying, working etc. would greatly increase. So basically, being a healthy person is connected to both – physical look and brain state.

There is no secret that your look is not only about how you feel and see the world, but also how others see you. It is always easier to get a job without any health issues. Someone would rather hire a person without any danger of it. Also, from the social perspective, statistically, people who are not in any way over-weight are more self-confident, can show more of their extraverted side. Though, it depends on your surroundings if you are able to keep up with some standards but we are responsible for how we live, how we present ourselves to the world and how the world is going to take us.

In conclusion, I would like to say that everyone should care about both: physical and inner state, because it is strongly connected. Having a healthy body will provide you a healthy mind – “a sound mind in a sound body”.


Rita Lengvensaitė,
Tytuvėnų gimnazijos IV klasės mokinė