Anglų kalbos rašinio konkursas

prie pavadinimo

Kelmės Jono Graičiūno gimnazijoje lapkričio 26 d. organizuotas tradicinis anglų kalbos rašinių rašymo konkursas, skirtas rajono abiturientams.

Šiemet rašyti rašinio atvyko dvidešimt mokinių: aštuoni iš Tytuvėnų gimnazijos, Justas Lukas Kalpokas atstovavo Kražių gimnazijai ir savo rašinyje pademonstravo puikias geopolitines žinias ir Artimųjų Rytų konflikto išmanymą. Vienuolika mokinių buvo iš J.Graičiūno gimnazijos.

Mokiniams buvo pateiktos septynios temos, iš kurių konkurso dalyviai galėjo pasirinkti vieną labiausiai patikusią. Pateiktos temos skatino kritinį mąstymą, kūrybiškumą, o rašinius reikėjo rašyti pagal valstybinių brandos egzaminų (VBE) reikalavimus. Labai džiugu, kad mokiniai drąsiai rinkosi sudėtingesnes temas, tokias kaip „Migrantų ir pabėgėlių krizė“, „Ar pinigais gali nupirkti laimę?“, „Ar tradicinės šeimos vertybės vis dar svarbios“?

Mokytojų – vertintojų komisija turėjo daug darbo įvertindama rašinius pagal naują anglų kalbos VBE rašinių vertinimo lentelę, tačiau mokytojams buvo ir malonu susipažinti su mokinių mintimis, argumentuota nuomone, pasidžiaugti brandžiais, taisyklingai parašytais abiturientų darbais.

Suskaičiavus vertintojų komisijos skirtus taškus, rezultatai yra tokie: 14 taškų iš 15 galimų surinko  Tytuvėnų gimnazijos mokinys Karolis Levickas (IVa klasė, mokytoja I. Ridikienė). 13 taškų buvo įvertinti Gyčio Valiuškos (IVa klasė, Tytuvėnų gimnazija, mokytoja G. Karpinienė); Neringos Pociūtės (IVa klasė, J. Graičiūno gimnazija, mokytoja I. Leščiauskienė); Aušrinės Dapnytės (IVa klasė, J. Graičiūno gimnazija, mokytoja I. Leščiauskienė) rašiniai.

Minėtų mokinių darbus publikuojame Kelmės J.Graičiūno gimnazijos tinklalapyje. Dėkojame visiems konkurso dalyviams, jų mokytojams ir vertintojams.

Gitana Rudzevičiūtė,
anglų kalbos vyresnioji mokytoja

Are traditional family values still important?

 Family has been the most influential value in person’s life from the beginning of the history. Through the  centuries of living, society has changed the meaning of it, but I strongly believe that traditional family still remains essential.

To begin with, nowadays when the numbers of relationships are becoming not marriages but partnerships are increasing; it is extremely determining to keep traditional family as a life goal. There is no doubt that family which contains a woman and a man as parents teach their children respect and appropriate communication between a female and a male in general. There is even a traditional phrase “Parents do, children learns” that proves that mom and dad in the family play an important role in children’s future choices of family type.

The second reason why a traditional family should still be a value is that biologically a child comes as a result of love of a man and a woman. So it is how nature and our body should use a family creation. A lot of psychological research shows that woman and man’s connection is important for creating a personality. In addition, female’s body produces a hormone that affects male’s mind and physical attraction. It demonstrates importance of mental and physical connection between na man and a woman that also is valuable in the family.

To oppose the above ideas, I cannot make a statement that non-traditional couples are evil or it should be forbidden. I feel free to say that people can express their love in every possible way including sharing it with  the same sex person. However, I completely do not tolerate their aim to have kids. 2013 research showed  that 70% of adopted kids had never thought about living in not traditional family before they had been adopted.

To sum it up, I would like to say that people should keep the order of nature to maintain a traditional family because of mental and physical reasons. However,  we cannot judge love expressions, attraction and passion  that make people happy and satisfied  between the same gender people.

Aušrinė Dapnytė IVa kl.,
Kelmės J. Graičiūno gimnazija

Can money buy happiness? Discuss

Nowadays money is becoming  more and more important in people’s lives. They work very hard to earn big amount of money to buy expensive things. But can money buy happiness? I truly believe that happiness can not be bought.

First of all, to many people happiness is associated with friendship. People are more likely to say that they are happy and satisfied with their life if they have friends. But sometimes money can have a destructive effect on friendships. When one is rich, people try to become close to them not because they really want to be friendly but because they need something. It is beneficial to become your friend as you are able to lend some money. Friendships like this can not be satisfying. It can not bring happiness. It only might make you disappointed.

The other thing is that money can not buy health and if someone is sick and feeling bad he is not able to enjoy his life. Of course, rich people can afford a better health care, more effective medicine but it does not guarantee better health. The illness may still take over no matter how expensive the medicine is.  No one is protected from cancer or AIDS and diseases like these often end up in death.

On the other hand, money sometimes can make you feel happier. For instance, if your biggest dream is to buy an expensive car or to build a huge house it is clear that you will feel very happy at the moment when you get that. Ability to buy the thing that you wish  really can bring you joy. But let’s not forget that this feeling is temporary and when you  get bored with these things you will want the new ones.

To sum everything up, money is important in these days society. It feels good when you can afford expensive things, but no matter how much money you have in your bank account you will never be rich enough to buy friends and health. Without these things nobody can feel happy. So, in my opinion, money can not buy happiness.

 Neringa Pociūtė, IVa kl.,
Kelmės J. Graičiūno gimnazija

Can money buy happiness?

There are plenty of things that we care about in life. The one we all wish most is happiness. Everyone has their own opinion of what brings them happiness. But let‘s talk about  a thing that we are bound to in our everyday life. Can money alone make people‘s lives joyful and happy ?

Firstly, money can not get you real friends. You can see everywhere in real life, the media, movies or even games how a rich person is usually surounded by the crowd of  follovers- friends. These people always look nice, ready to help you anytime. But these people are not your  true friends.  Not the ones that you could actually trust them in a difficult moment, tell them your secrets, expect them to stay with you through the worst times. Technically, mosto f them are „gold diggers” who would rather take your money instead of being friends with you.

Secondly, money can not buy love. There are a lot of examples of marriages for money, rather than love. It usually happens with really rich people. They just seem  not to get the fact that real love comes from what is inside you, the fake one comes from amount of money that you own.

It is easy to state that money can get people  be interested in you, to like you, but not love you. When money is gone, love is gone too.

However, money can make your life better. Having a lot of  money and being able to spend it can make you happier in  one orther way. You can  buy a car that you always wanted, a big house which your family always wanted, etc. Futhermore, you can actually make other people happy.

For instance, there have been a lot of cases where rich people  gave some money to the homeless, donated their money to charity, to the sick people and felt  happy by doing this. In addition, the person who got some money  usually continuous the circle of good deeds which, in my opinion, make this world a better place to live.

To sum up, money can not buy the feelings that are the most important to achieve happiness.

Nevertheless, money may make the  life better, easier and happier for most of us if is used properly.

Levickas Karolis IVa kl.,
Tytuvėnų gimnazija

How much are we influenced by social networks ?

Nowadays everyone has a smart phone. Many young parents teach their  five – year –old children how to use a phone. This way kids forget about their toys, games, going outside, playing with their peers. This is slowle becoming one of the main problems of the decade.

To start things with, a lot of parents are buying their children anything they want. Of coourse, one of the many things that little kids want  is a  smart phone. They  learn how to use a phone at a very early age. That is one of the reasons why children stop enjoying other simple toys, other activities, and most of all – socialise with other people.

What is more, teenagers who have been growing up with a smart phone in their hands are pretty much getting addicted to social networks such as Facebook, Instagram, Twitter,  etc. Why  would they want to go out when they can easily contact other friends andsee what they are doing on Facebook ?

Futhermore, people start getting  addicted  to the attention online. These days we  can see more and more people  writing their personal thoughts and opinions online. This way  they are seeking for attention, willing that other people – uncountless online friends – will like their thoughts, maybe even say something psitive in the commentssection. This leads to having  a priority t have a phone in your hand and  check your social network account every five minutes.

Finally, people have already  got used to posting their personal  photos online. Taking “selfies” is a daily routine for many teenagers,  who do not know the risks of social networks. There are way too many abnormal people, criminals who  are collecting  someone’s personal information, using it for their own needs, even  willing  to earn money out of  it, what is a crime. All this can ruin a life and the future of a careless  social networks user.

In conclusion, more and more people of young and old age are influenced by the social networks.

Especially we have to be concerned about the children. In my opinion, only parents can stop their kids from the danger of social networks. Apart from that, the influence is huge and it will only keep rising.

Valiuška Gytis IVa kl.,
Tytuvėnų gimnazija