Praktikume tobulintos anglų kalbos žinios

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Sausio 15 d. gimnazijoje vyko jau tradiciniu tapęs rajoninis 12 klasių mokinių anglų kalbos rašinio rašymo praktikumas. Tai puiki proga mokiniams pasitikrinti savo rašymo gebėjimus, o mokytojams pritaikyti objektyvaus vertinimo įgūdžius.

Praktikume dalyvavo 16 rajono mokinių, dvylika jų iš mūsų gimnazijos ir keturi Tytuvėnų gimanzistai. Praktikumą sveikinimo kalba pradėjo Kelmės rajono savivaldybės administracijos Švietimo, kultūros ir sporto skyriaus vyr. specialistė Vijoleta Norkutė. Viešnia palinkėjo mokiniams sėkmės ne tik šiame renginyje, taip pat priminė jiems pasiruošimo anglų kalbos valstybiniam brandos egzaminui svarbą ir apgailestavo, kad tik dviejų rajono gimnazijų atstovai dalyvauja renginyje.

J. Graičiūno gimnazijos anglų kalbos mokytoja Gitana Rudzevičiūtė, prieš pateikiant rašinių temas, trumpai supažindino mokinius su pagrindiniais rašinių rašymo reikalavimais, skirtingais jų tipais ir temos išdėstymo planais. Mokiniams buvo pateiktos šios temos: “Standards of education today are lower than in the past”, “Everybody can help to protect the environment”, “There are a lot of places in Lithuania that could attract tourists. Give your opinion what should be done to make Lithuania more attractive to tourists”, “Living alone is more enjoyable than living with someone else”, “Books are better than films: Agree or disagree”, “Emigration: the reasons and ways to solve them”, “The role of marriage in today’s  society”.

Rašymui buvo skirtos 90 minučių, o rašinio apimtis turėjo būti 250 – 350 žodžių.

Darbai buvo vertinami pagal 2013 m. valstybinio brandos egzamino rašinio vertinimo skalę. Maksimalus įvertinimas – 24 taškai. Kiekvienas rašinys buvo vertinamas dviejų vertintojų. Aukščiausią – 24 taškų – įvertinimą gavo J. Graičiūno gimnazijos IVd klasės mokinė Beatričė Raščiūtė (mokytoja I. Leščiauskienė). 23 taškų įvertinimą gavo Tytuvėnų gimnazijos IVa klasės mokinys Gytis Švilpa (mokytoja G. Karpinienė), 22 taškus surinko J. Graičiūno gimnazijos mokiniai Tadas Žukauskas (IVd. klasė, mokytoja A. Bilienė), Mangirdas Kazlauskas (IVd klasė, mokytoja I. Leščiauskienė), Dovydas Ražukas (IVa klasė, mokytoja A. Bilienė) ir Tytuvėnų gimnazijos IVa klasės mokinė Jurgita Kalasauskaitė (mokytoja G. Karpinienė).

Geriausiai įvertinti rašiniai skelbiami gimnazijos internetinėje svetainėje, kad viso rajono abiturientai ir jiems dėstantys mokytojai galėtų susipažinti, pasimokyti, palyginti savo anglų kalbos  rašymo gebėjimus. Kviečiame paskaityti.

Gitana Rudzevičiūtė

Living alone is more enjoyable than living with someone else

Nowadays there are a lot of discussions about person‘s living conditions and habits. Recent surveys show that the majority of people opt out sharing their room or house with the others rather than living alone. Despite the fact a huge number of them do not deny that living alone is more enjoyable than living with someone else. So what are the advantages and disadvantages of a solitary accommodation?

On the positive side, there are many points of favour of living alone. To begin with, this kind of life lets you create your own room policy. As a result, you can organise parties, tidy rooms, do the dishwashing or other household jobs whenever there is a necessity, not a schedule. Furthermore, it has benefits when you have to study or an important project has to be done, so loneliness makes sure that someone will not disturb you in the middle of working peak. What is more, the quietude is all over the place. Consequently, a word “Home“ really gains its meaning where you can relax from all the people and noise.

On the other side, there are some negative points of living alone. First of all, taxes and rent have to be paid by one person. As a consequence, it restricts your ability to spend money on entertainment and fun because the living price increases to high level. Secondly, it is safer to live with a roommate rather alone. For instance, if there was a burglary, you would have a person you can rely on during that horrible accident. At last, if you are sociable and really chatty, then living alone is not a recommended style of life. For example, in times of cold dark winter evenings when the loneliness becomes the queen of atmosphere, there will not be any alive spirits to have a conversation with over a cup of hot chocolate.

Taking everything into consideration, both advantages and disadvantages of living alone are important. However, we cannot trully say which side you have to choose. Everybody should individually decide if living alone is more enjoyable than living with someone else.

Beatričė Raščiūtė IV d,
J. Graičiūno gimnazija

Books are better than films: is it true?

In our contemporary, technologically developed world, the majority of people (especially students) forget the old types of entertainment, such as books reading. It means, that other forms of entertainment, like, films, are more popular than books, aren’t they? However, I think that books are irreplaceable and they are way better than movies.

First of all, books force you to use your knowledge and imagination. What I bear in my mind is when you watch a movie, brains are barely working – someone other has already created a visionary show and you are watching it. But when you are reading a book, you become the producer – your brains turn sentences into the spectacular movie, suddenly black words become alive. Correspondingly, your brains are working – you become smarter.

What is more, other types of books such as e-books are becoming more and more popular and people prefer this kind of purchase to a DVD movie, because it is more interesting and more convenient. For instance, you are in the hospital, there is an enormously huge queue, boredom kills you, what should you do? Just take your smartphone, click on the icon of the e-books reading application and read your favouritebestseller. It is really convenient, entertaining and popular!

However, reading books is time consuming. For those, who have a serious job, who are job-a-holics or for those, who have a poor imagination and do not have time to think a lot, it is worth watching a film. So if you want a short entertainment, if you want to relax, you had better choose an involving movie instead of a serious book.

All in all, books reading is more intelligent form of entertainment, which requires you to use knowledge. Also, it is really convenient and even though you do not want to read ordinary, paper books, you could choose an e-book. Of course, this hobby takes lots of time, but I reckon, that this is not a problem for those who want to spend their time efficiently.

MangirdasKazlauskas, IVc,
J. Graičiūno gimnazija

Emigration: the reasons and ways to solve them

Emigration is one of the biggest problems that economically unstable countries have to face. People are always looking for a better place to live and they often choose to travel abroad to economically stable countries. Emigration forces countries to look for solution to this major problem.

First of all, due to emigration, country can lose its national identity, which separates it from other nations. More and more people, especially in Europe Union, are immigrating to other countries. Often people, who live in a foreign country, forget their homeland. For example, Lithuania is greatly affected by emigration and a lot of people, who live abroad, no longer call themselves Lithuanians. They lose their traditions and they fully adapt to their new country. However, there are exceptions. Some people create clubs for people from the same country. These clubs help people to preserve their traditions and unite them as emigrants. Furthermore, due to emigration, tax income of a country can experience a major fall and it can trigger a decrease in living qualities.

On the other hand, emigration has a positive side. Emigration allows people to feel the freedom of travelling, allows them to experience other cultures. People often leave their homeland to earn money and when they have saved enough for a better living, they come back to their country and spend all of their savings, but emigration is still doing more harm than good to the economy.

Emigration causes a bunch of problems that has to be solved. First of all, government should try to make their country a better place to live. It sounds easy, but in reality, this is as extremely hard goal to achieve. Increasing living qualities can cost huge amounts of money and it can harm economy even more than emigration. The best way to stop emigration is to promote nationalism. Although it sounds conservative, but it would decrease emigration. In fact, I think that this is the only solution that would not be a threat to our freedom.

In conclusion, emigration is a major problem that needs to be solved. If  the citizens  loved their country, they would work for its economy, but nowadays people are selfish, they only think about themselves. In my opinion, emigration will not stop. In reality, it cannot be stopped, it can only be decreased, but still it is a hard goal to achieve.

Dovydas Ražukas  IV a,
J. Graičiūno gimnazija

Everybody can Help to Protect the Environment

These past few years have been especially important to the whole situation of global warming, waste management and health of our planet in general. A lot has happened to the economy and technology and it has improved considerably this decade. Despite all the research done regarding the pollution of our planet, sadly not much has been done and considering the circumstances we people can no longer leave this matter for the minority to be taken care of.

To begin with, our planet has been burdened by our existence since very early in human history. At first the impact of pollution was minor and hardly noticeable but recently, starting with the 21-st century, whole population of Earth has been in quite some stress during the economical growth of the biggest countries and noticed the condition of our planet during that moment. As time passed problems became bigger than few people could handle by themselves that lead to the worldwide awareness campaign in multiple world countries. The expectations were high but the damage to the nature was too great for the newly found eco-green citizens to restore during the furthermore fast growing economy demands.

In contrast to the deadly economy, world started to take the problem that has occurred seriously. Enormous amount of families began to look into the lifestyle that they possess. Those few, more educated families understood the importance of ecological problems and began to take countermeasures to what has been happening. Recycling, re-using and using eco-friendly products in daily life started to spread like a disease through major cities and countries recruiting millions of aware citizens who understood how important the problem was. Many of them might be doing so for the sole reason of clean and bright future for new generations to enjoy. Regardless the intentions of majority, everyone should at least look into the consequences of not doing anything that in the end might lead into world destruction.

To sum up, everyone can and should help our mother nature to last as long as possible. Just as every child has the reason to help his mother in old age, we should consider doing the best we can to protect the environment that we love, as it is the sole reason we are still alive at this very moment.

Tadas Žukauskas  IVd,
J. Graičiūno gimnazija

Are books better than films?

From the moment cinematography started rising in popularity back in 1980‘s, a heated argument was started between book lovers and fans of movies. When book adaptations like “Nosferatu“ or “Dracula“ started showing upon cinema screens, people argued whether the movie does the book justice. But is there really a way to end this argument?

I should start of by saying that I am both an avid reader and a movie lover. Of course, movies are easier to “digest” but they do not give the depth of insight a good book will give you. Reading a book written by an amazing author can give you a feeling like no other, even leaving you in tears of joy or sadness, making you emphasize with the protagonist. Whilst there are descriptions of people and places, you get the freedom of interpreting everything in your own unique way. A book can be life changing. The history of the future of the world can be hiding in the pages of a plain looking book.

While the freedom and power a book may give you is truly astounding, no one can deny that watching a movie directed by a genius is a real rush. A great movie is like a drug. It flows through your system. You do not need to imagine anything, just let it take over you and leave you enticed, breathless. You will feel it for days, and maybe, albeit just for a second, it will make you believe that it was all real.

In the end, I just want to say, that there is no definitive answer. It all comes down to a personal choice. While one person enjoys the imaginative and serene nature of a book, the other might crave for the drug-like rush and impact of a movie. If I had to choose, I would probably settle down with a book, because nothing beats the smell of a new book.

Gytis Švilpa IVa,
Tytuvenai gymnasium

Living alone is more enjoyable than living with someone else

Nowadays there are a lot of people, who decide to live alone. They are saying that living by yourself, not having to share your place with someone else is a better way. Why do they think that it is more enjoyable and what are the advantages and disadvantages of it?

Living alone gives you the advantage of more freedom. You will not have to explain why you come back late to anyone. You will not have to worry about leaving a mess in the kitchen or in your room because nobody will see that. You will also be able to invite your friends to your place and have a little party if you want to – there will be no one complaining about loud music or loud conversations. Furthermore, you will not have to change your habits. If you want to listen to some hard rock music, you can. If you want to eat at 1 A.M. and sing songs from your favourite musicals while doing that, you can. If you want to stay up all night watching your beloved romance movies and crying out loud, you can. You can be as crazy as you are without worrying that somebody might think you are out of your mind. Living alone gives you the opportunity to live your life without restrictions and it makes life more enjoyable.

On the other hand, living alone can turn out to be the saddest thing. You always come back to an empty place with no one to talk to. If you have a terrible day at work, you have no one to make you feel better, no one to complain about your boss or your colleagues to. You have no shoulder to cry on, when life gets hard. You have no one to tell your silly stories or the funny things that happened to you during the day. There is no one to help you or to make you a cup of hot tea if you get sick. A lot of people can get damaged emotionally if they have to survive everything on their own. In addition to that, doing all of the houseworks alone can get really hard. You have to search for help and pay them a lot of money if something gets damaged. Not to mention, you have to pay the rent and all the bills alone.

All things considered, living alone has some advantages and some disadvantages. The way you choose to live depends on your point of view. You can either have freedom to act the way you want or you can share your life with someone else – you are the one to decide.

Jurgita Kalasauskaitė IV a,
Tytuvenai gymnasium